
Oats benefits and Its Healthy Beta-Glucan

Fibers are complex carbohydrates that are not digested and not absorbed by the small intestine. Fibers play many important roles in our diets such as efficient intestinal functioning. There are two main types of fibers, mostly found in plant foods: Soluble fibers. They dissolve in water forming a gel-like substance in the stomach and provide…

Body-glucose and glycogen

Body-glucose and glycogen

Glucose, one of the major fuel of our body, is stored in our body as glycogen that basically consist of chains of glucose. Glycogen is the counterpart of starch found in plants. Due to the limiting storage capacity of our body for glycogen, mainly in the liver and muscles, we need a relatively constant supply…

Stress Reducing Diet
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Eat Your Stress Goodbye – Stress Reducing Diet

Eat Your Stress Goodbye – Stress Reducing Diet When you’re stressed out, the foods that you’re turning to are most likely going to be traditional ‘comfort’ foods – think big meals, take-out, fatty foods, sweet foods, and alcohol. Let’s face it – we’ve all found some comfort in a tasty meal and a bottle of…