Embrace a Balanced Lifestyle for Thriving in Health, Work, and Life

Science Meets Soul Approach

It’s Time to Rethink Our Approach to Living.

Picture this: It’s another hectic Monday morning – emails flood your inbox, deadlines loom, and meetings pile up. In the chaos of professional life, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters – your well-being. As the day unfolds, stress creeps in, motivation wanes, and energy fades away. You find yourself caught in a storm of emotional imbalances, and suddenly, that bag of chips or chocolate bar becomes your escape. You wonder if it is the way it is supposed to be.

Our lives are often consumed by external demands—career aspirations, endless deadlines, and the pursuit of excellence. We’re so fixated on these external factors that we forget the power within ourselves. Our emotional state, beliefs, biases, blind spots, and mindset profoundly shape our lives, both at work and beyond.

Exceptional Individuals Seek Exceptional Coaching

In a world filled with remarkable achievements and thrilling ventures, we’re often left juggling responsibilities until essential aspects of our lives slowly fade away. Nutrition, self-care, relationships, and physical well-being take a backseat, you focus on caring about others over yourself, and you find yourself yearning for balance. It’s a struggle we all know too well, and it’s a struggle I’ve personally faced.

I’ve been where you are, navigating the relentless demands of a high-paced life, feeling drained and dissatisfied. But I’ve also experienced the transformative power of embracing a flourishing life. The pursuit of excellence doesn’t have to come at the expense of your well-being. It’s about finding harmony, balance, and synergy in every aspect of your life – personally and professionally.


Unlocking your full potential by giving you the tools and strategies to take control of your own well-being and success.


Creating a harmonious life by helping you juggle career ambitions, personal well-being, and family responsibilities without feeling overwhelmed.


Guiding you through meaningful change that leaves a lasting impact, not just quick fixes that fade away.

Scientific Integrity

Combining evidence-based methods with compassionate coaching to offer you a holistic approach grounded in proven science.

Hi, I’m Fabrizio!

I’m a coach and the founder of Prohealthyx Coaching.

I’m a passionate advocate for personal growth and fulfillment. With a Ph.D. in Chemistry and 15+ years of corporate experience, I understand the unique challenges professionals face. Let’s unlock your potential, boost motivation, and improve your overall well-being together

Fabrizio Micciche, Ph.D., ICF-ACC, NBC-HWC, PNL1
Executive Health Coach | Nutrition Specialist | Personal Trainer

My Credentials

Your Path to Empowerment

At Prohealthyx, we believe in a holistic approach to well-being, recognizing that true vitality comes from nurturing multiple dimensions of your life. We’ve identified four key dimensions of energy: Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual. Each dimension plays a vital role in achieving a balanced and fulfilling life. Explore how we can help you thrive in each of these dimensions, unlocking your full potential and embracing a life of vibrant well-being.

The Science of Balance Podcast

Dive deep into the dance between emotions, behaviors, and communication with ‘The Science of Balance’.

Physical (Quantity)

At our core, we understand the significance of physical vitality. We emphasize that true well-being begins with nurturing your body’s strength and resilience. By focusing on physical wellness, we help you achieve a higher level of energy and vitality that permeates every aspect of your life.

empower professional women

Emotional (Quality)

Emotions are the essence of our human experience, and they profoundly impact our well-being. Our approach prioritizes emotional health, fostering a rich and harmonious emotional life. We guide you in cultivating emotional intelligence and resilience, enabling you to thrive even in challenging circumstances

Mental (Focus)

Mental clarity and focus are essential for achieving your goals and aspirations. We recognize the power of a sharp mind. Through our guidance, we help you enhance your mental acuity, harness your creativity, and maintain an unwavering focus on your objectives, ensuring your path to success is illuminated.

Spiritual (Purpose)

Discovering your life’s purpose and spiritual fulfillment is a journey that adds profound meaning to your existence. Our approach embraces the spiritual dimension, guiding you to explore your inner self, align with your purpose, and live a life imbued with deep meaning, passion, and purpose.

Mastering self-care is the catalyst to nurture yourself and the world around you.

What People are Saying

specialized coaching program

Nurturing the Leader: Empowering Women to Thrive from Within

Embrace this exclusive and transformative coaching experience, where you will conquer stress, nurture your well-being, and achieve harmony between your career and personal aspirations.

Your Complimentary Consultation

Take the first step towards transforming your life today. Contact us to schedule a 60-minute free complimentary consultation, where we’ll explore your challenges, and vision, and how our coaching services can make a meaningful difference. Together, we’ll embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and lasting change.

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Don’t let emotional distress, low self-esteem, lack of motivation, influential past experiences, stress, or weight management issues hold you back any longer. It’s time to reclaim your life and become the best version of yourself.

It’s Time To Get Things Going

You could either wait for the never-coming perfect moment or just talk to us about where you are today and what you want to be tomorrow.

If you have any questions about our coaching or just want to say hi, please use the contact form below. We can’t wait to hear from you! I speak English (EN), Español (ES), and Italiano (IT).