New Year, New You? Think Beyond Quick Fixes for Weight Loss

As the New Year rolls in, it’s almost a ritual for many to set their sights on summer, sparking a surge in gym memberships and diet plans. It’s a positive wake-up call, signaling a desire for change. But let’s face it, most New Year resolutions are momentary, serving as temporary fixes rather than lasting transformations.

Here’s the bottom line of the issue: We often opt for extreme diets or rigorous exercise routines, attempting to squeeze them into our already-packed schedules. This approach is like forcing a square brick into a round hole – unsustainable and often uncomfortable.

Some research shows that 95% of people who lose weight on a crash diet will return to their pre-dieting weight. This high rate of weight regain is partly due to the body’s physiological adaptations to calorie restriction, such as increased hunger hormones and altered perceptions of food. Not to mention that habits were not changed along the process making it challenging for long-term means.

What’s more concerning is a trend I’ve observed gaining traction – the inclination towards surgical solutions like stomach reduction (Bariatric surgery) and procedures like liposuction. While these methods might be necessary for certain medical conditions, they’re not a one-stop-shop for weight loss. I’ve seen firsthand how these surgeries, without accompanying lifestyle changes, can lead to not only physical discomforts but also the eventual return of the lost weight.

Take the case of a client I’ve been coaching, who considered surgery as a possible option. In preparation for the procedure, she started making lifestyle changes and began losing weight. This begs the question: If one can make the necessary changes to qualify for surgery, why not continue down that path and potentially avoid surgery altogether?

The underlying message here is simple yet profound. Whether it’s crash diets, surgical shortcuts, or any other quick-fix solutions, they are transient victories without a fundamental shift in lifestyle and habits.

So, as you encounter these ‘quick fixes’, pause and reflect. There are healthier, more sustainable ways to achieve your weight loss goals. These methods not only shape your body but also nurture your physical and mental well-being.

If you’re exploring options or need guidance, I’m here to help. Stay safe and remember, lasting change comes not from the surgery table or a fad diet, but from a commitment to a healthier, balanced lifestyle.
